Mittwochspraxis – Austausch und Inspiration für Pädagog*innen

Achtsamkeitspraxis und Begegnung

8. Januar 2025, 20:00 Uhr

Referentin/Speaker: Amy Burke

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Das AVE Institut bietet jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat um 20 Uhr einen Online-Achtsamkeitsabend an. Das Angebot richtet sich an alle, die im pädgogischen Bereich tätig sind. Im Mittelpunkt steht eine Praxis zur Bildung für innere Entwicklung, bei der es Raum für persönliche Reflexion und offenen Austausch gibt. Inspiriert von den Inner Development Goals (IDGs) richten die Teilnehmenden gemeinsam den Blick auf spezifische Fähigkeiten (Skills), die in der jeweiligen Praxis gefördert werden.

Weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltungsreihe

Thema dieser Mittwochspraxis: A Contemplative Writing Practice: Accessing the Inner Teacher 

Über das Thema / About the topic

Sometimes it feels like we are the only ones with difficult emotions, unhelpful thoughts, and unfixable problems. However, the truth is, we all experience difficulties. In this Mittwochspraxis, participants will be guided through a contemplative writing process to explore this aspect of being human. Contemplative writing is a practice that can develop inner knowledge and a practical tool that can be used in many different contexts. We learn more about ourselves and access a deeper space of knowing that can impact our way of being in the world in relation to ourselves and others. Consider this session an invitation to practice caring for yourself and supporting colleagues as they do the same. 

Hinweis: Diese Mittwochspraxis findet komplett auf Englisch statt. Grundkenntnisse sind erforderlich. 

 Welche drei Fähigkeiten werden besonders gefördert? / Which three skills are particularly promoted?

    • Authenticity: Embracing your true self by accessing deeper insights and accepting who you are without pretense. 
    • Trust: Building confidence and connection by creating safe spaces for genuine expression. 
    • Presence: Cultivating the ability to be fully engaged in the moment, beyond the distractions of daily life. 


Über die Referentin / About the speaker

Amy Burke is a high school teacher who holds a Master’s Degree in Contemplative Education from NaropaUniversity. In 2012 she co-founded MindWell whose aim is to support educational communities in fosteringwellbeing through mindfulness and social-emotional learning. She is a lead teacher trainer for the Mindfulnessin Schools Project and a facilitator for the CARE program (Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education). Amy co-authored The Mindful Teacher’s Toolkit: Awareness-based wellbeing in schools with Kevin Hawkins (2021 SAGE/Corwin). She works internationally in schools and universities providing workshops and retreats for educators, students and parents with a focus on self-care and stress management. She also provides supervision support for educators bringing mindfulness into education. 

>> Hier geht es zur Mittwochspraxis mit Amy Burke am 8. Januar 2025 (Zoom Link)



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