Mindfulness, Nature and Climate Education Summit


14. - 18. November 2022

Referentinnen: Hazel Farrer, Dr. Helen Maffini

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Bei dieser mehrtägigen englischsprachigen Online-Konferenz teilen über 25 Expert*innen ihre Ideen, Gedanken und Strategien rund um die Themen Achtsamkeit, Natur/Umwelt & Bildung. Moderiert von den beiden Gastgeberinnen Hazel Farrer und Dr. Helen Maffini erhalten Teilnehmende kostenlos Zugang zu einer Vielzahl an Expert*innen-Interviews.

Ablauf / Schedule:

DAY 1: Mindfulness, Nature, Climate Education

DAY 2: Nature Education, OutDoor Education, and More

DAY 3: Curriculums, Authors, and Nature

DAY 4: Climate Actions, Eco-Anxiety, Reconnection, Active Hope

Day 5: Projects, Eco-schools, Sustainability, 17 SDGs

Referentinnen / Hosts:

Hazel Farrer is a nature and wellbeing coach, corporate trainer, climate coach and mindfulness teacher and specialises in designing and teaching nature-based mindfulness programmes. >> More information

Dr. Helen Maffini is the Founder and Director of MindBE Education, an educational training company working globally. MindBE improves mindfulness and social emotional learning skills in preschools. It also highlights the latest research, tools and strategies and works with thought leaders in the industry helping educators and parents develop these skills in themselves and children. >> More information

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